My Project Portfolio

Enter RetroZfecT 

A fantasy multiplayer online role-playing game (MORPG) for training of 21st century skills

View details of the project here

Probiotics e-Reference Guide

An evidence-based reference database on probiotic products in Singapore for healthcare professionals and patients

View details of the project here

The Digihealth Eduverse

Attending Continuing Professional Education through your virtual self

View details of the project here

KnowYourPandemic Web-App

Increase your awareness about the past and present epidemics/ pandemics. Perform symptom and contact tracking for you and your family.

Project VRx

A 3D Virtual Reality Apprenticeship Program for medication safety training

Tsang WY, Fan P, Raj SDH, Tan ZJ, Lee IYY, Boo I, Yap KY. Development of a Three-Dimensional (3D) Virtual Reality Apprenticeship Program (VRx) for Training of Medication Safety Practices. Int J Dig Health 2022; 2(1):4. [DOI: 10.29337/ijdh.45]